Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Hate Letter to Warner Brothers

Dear Warner Brothers,

You guys are nothing but a tease. As a representative of the many many nerdy Harry Potter fans in the Myrtle Beach area, I would like to say we hate you. We were all geared up, had our countdowns,our talks of Potter Parties, even today I looked and said "wow only 98 more days!" Then right before I was settling in to have a long night of reading, I decided to check some of my friend's blogs. There it was the information that you had pushed back the already very done, nothing more needs to be added/cut, highly anticipated 6th installment of the Harry Potter movies' opening date from November 21st 2008 to July 17th 2009. Are you bloody kidding me?! The movie is done.

You're breaking our hearts here, breaking our poor poor Potter hearts.


PS- I hope someone leaks the movie on the internet!

Poof! ‘Harry Potter’ flick bumped to summer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Odds are that it's going to open the same weekend as Transformers 2 or Wolverine. Hopefully it will lose lots and lots of money since they want to fight for the summer spot. Karma is a bitch.