I was sent a link by a friend of a interesting show that is in the works. It's about modern people
wanting to be part of an arranged marriage. (
Arranged Marriage TV)At first I was taken aback, it seemed ridiculous. Why would someone want to give up their chance at "true love"? But honestly, who the frak knows what love is?
We have been programmed through novels and movies to believe that we have "soul mates", a person that loves us no matter what, and love is this wonderful magical thing that we should all yearn to acquire. How many people do you know that have been able to obtain their perfect mate? We all just rush into one another's arms hoping this will be the one, if not we'll try our damndest to make him/her it. Of course we know, you can't change people. I've tried and failed....twice.
Honestly the idea of modern day arranged marriage has grown on me. It's completely voluntery. No worries of family alliances or money, just having the people that know you best pick out your future wife or husband. It takes away all that complication and lost feelings that go along with dating. You know this person wants to get married, if they want a family, and if they hold all the traits and interests (or at least a majority) that you want in a person, why not?
There are no soul mates, we're silly to believe that. There are people that are compatible and they work on their relationship. The relationship grows, the love grows, the people grow. I have over the past 2 1/2 years grown with a person, and its very clear, to at least me, that when you inspire and motivate the other person, when you laugh every day with them, sing with them, and want to take care of them that is love. But when you don't want the same future, that is heartbreak. You can grow to love a person, you can't change what they want out of life, so its best if you just get that out the way in the beginning.
It's scary, but if you think about it, it makes sense.
*please note that the author may be a bit bias, as she is a recently single 20 something that has no desire to take part in the ritual of dating again. She would like to get married to a mature devoted male with good music taste, have babies, make cupcakes, and pursue a career in graphic design.